HLL Systems
Horizontal Lifeline Systems, also known as HLL systems, are utilized in many of the fall arrest and fall restraint systems. Horizontal lifelines are common fall protection solutions in work areas that lack existing anchor points for personnel tie–off. In simplest form, the horizontal lifeline consists of a cable attached to two or more anchor points on a roof-top, crane runway, bridge or outdoor construction site, or any other elevated work area that poses a fall risk to personnel.
ANKOR has taken the ever popular tri-ring roof anchor and has modified its use in a Horizontal Life Line (HLL). HLL's are required where workers are expected to pass or work where they are in hazard of falling. Fall hazards are where the elevation from one level to another is 3m (10ft) or greater and a worker can not be safely 2m (6ft) from the roof edge.
HLL systems come in a variety of shapes, sizes and functions. ANKOR supplies 2 main types, double lanyard system and hands free.